Your Local Webster & Rochester Florist Since 1928


Same-Day Fairport Flower Delivery

Looking to send flowers to Fairport, NY? Trust Kittelberger Florist, your local NY florist offering same-day hand delivery of the freshest cut flowers and most popular gourmet gifts. No matter the occasion, we make Fairport flower delivery fast and easy! Browse our selection of new baby flowers, anniversary flowers, birthday flowers, get well flowers, and non-floral gifts guaranteed to make your loved one light up! 

In addition to residential flower delivery, we also specialize in sending flowers to Fairport funeral homes, hospitals, schools and other businesses. Choose an extravagant funeral service spray, casket flowers, sympathy basket, blooming plant, or custom design and we will hand deliver it wherever the service is held. Or surprise the new mom and dad with a vase of fragrant blooms welcoming their new bundle of joy into the world, delivered right to their hospital room for your convenience. 

All flower deliveries are backed by our 100% guarantee. We can't wait to exceed your expectations!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Our Webster Location

Address:263 North Avenue
Webster, NY 14580

Phone:(585) 216-1700

ZIP Codes Served