Your Local Webster & Rochester Florist Since 1928


Same-Day Macedon Flower Delivery

Looking to send flowers to Macedon, NY? Let Kittelberger Florist help! We'll craft the perfect bouquet, vased arrangement, or standing design for any event or special occasion, from the largest weddings to the simplest "just because." Whether you're looking to send happy birthday flowers, get well soon flowers, anniversary flowers, new baby flowers, or sympathy flowers, trust the expert flower designers at Kittelberger to make the perfect arrangement, always backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Because we are a local Macedon florist, we have a relationship with area hospitals and funeral homes meaning you can send flowers directly to these places and other local businesses at your convenience. When your loved one or friend is recovering in the hospital, we deliver get well flowers straight to their room. And when you want to honor the memory of a loved one lost, we will design and deliver your flowers directly to the funeral home at your convenience. Browse our collection of sympathy and funeral flowers online, or feel free to call us directly for personalized assistance. 

Our variety of offerings doesn't stop at flowers; we also carry an assortment of gift baskets packed with gourmet goodies, fresh fruit, delicious chocolate and other unique gifts your recipient will love. And these non-floral gifts pair perfectly with a blooming plant or succulent from our greenhouse! 

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Our Webster Location

Address:263 North Avenue
Webster, NY 14580

Phone:(585) 216-1700

ZIP Codes Served

14502, 14522, 14568.