Your Local Webster & Rochester Florist Since 1928


Same-Day Webster Flower Delivery

A local Webster florist for over 90 years, Kittelberger Florist is proud to be your local supplier of the highest quality fresh-cut flowers, plants, and gift baskets. We are proud to have served the Finger Lakes area since 1928 -- that means we know flowers, and have selections for all occasions! From heartfelt sympathy flowers to bouquets meant to celebrate a new baby's arrival, our collection of curated designs has something for everyone. 

We also offer same-day flower delivery to Webster, NY businesses, hospitals and funeral homes. Simply browse our selection of get well flowers or sympathy flowers online, or call us directly for assistance in making a selection. When it comes to Webster flower delivery, Kittelberger has you covered. And as always, every order is backed by our 100% guarantee!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Our Webster Location

Address:263 North Avenue
Webster, NY 14580

Phone:(585) 216-1700

ZIP Codes Served