Sympathy basket of pink carnations.

Pink Carnation Basket

Pink Carnation Basket

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A beautiful collection of pink carnations artfully designed to create a large display.

The Pink Carnation Basket from Kittelberger Florist in Rochester, NY, is a breathtaking floral arrangement that beautifully showcases the delicate charm of pink carnations. This large display is artfully designed, featuring an abundant collection of rich, fluffy pink blooms with vibrant color and textured petals. Each carnation is meticulously placed to create a lush, full basket that exudes warmth and tenderness. Ideal for various occasions, the Pink Carnation Basket is particularly popular for expressing affection, gratitude, or sympathy. Its soothing pink hue symbolizes love and admiration, making it a perfect gift for Mother's Day, anniversaries, or as a thoughtful gesture to show you care during difficult times. The basket adds a rustic, elegant touch, making the arrangement easy to display and enjoy in any setting.

Kittelberger Florist's commitment to quality and detail ensures that each Pink Carnation Basket is fresh and lasting, bringing joy and beauty to any recipient. This arrangement celebrates the natural beauty of carnations and the artistry of floral design, making it a standout choice for those looking to make a heartfelt impact.

DELIVERY: Every order is hand-delivered direct to the recipient. These items will be delivered by us locally, or a qualified retail local florist.

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